MPCI, MPCI Endorsements and MPCI Policy Coverages
Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) is federally subsidized protection from numerous causes of loss, including drought, excessive moisture, freeze, disease and more. Several MPCI products and endorsements are available specifically intended for different crops and diverse areas of the United States.
For more information on these products, contact your local Rain and Hail representative or login to your Rain and Hail account in the upper right-hand corner.
Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI)
+Actual Production History (APH)
Provides comprehensive protection against weather-related causes of loss and certain other unavoidable perils. Check Crop Provisions for specific causes of loss.
Coverage Levels: 50%-85%, in 5% increments, (80% and 85% coverage levels are not available in all areas) of the APH up to 100% of the price election (determined by RMA). CAT coverage is available at 50% of the APH and 55% of the price election.
Availability: All 50 states
+Almond Coverage
Provides a production guarantee based on the insured’s approved almond orchard yield times the coverage level percentage selected by the insured. Covered perils include adverse weather (rain, freeze, frost), failure of irrigation (due to insured peril that occurs during the insurance period), disease/insect (with proper control measures), fire (with proper undergrowth and debris control), earthquake/volcanic eruptions and wildlife.
Coverage Levels: The insured may insure at 50%-75%, in 5% increments, of the approved yield and up to 100% of the price election. CAT coverage is also available at 50% of the approved yield and 55% of the price election.
Availability: California
+Annual Forage
Uses NOAA’s gridded interpolated precipitation data to determine losses. Each grid covers an area equal to .25 degrees in longitude by .25 degrees in latitude (approximately 12 miles x 12 miles). Coverage is for a single peril: lack of precipitation.
Coverage Level: One coverage level from 70-90% for the county.
Availability: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas
+Apiculture (API)
Provides coverage for lost honey production due to insufficient plant growth caused by below normal precipitation. Not all the colonies within the operation must be insured.
Coverage Level: 70 to 90 percent.
Availability: 48 contiguous states
+Apple Coverage
Apple coverage options are available for CAT, Fresh Apple, Varietal Group (A, B or C) and Processing. Covered perils include adverse weather, disease, fire, freeze, frost, hail, sunburn, wildlife and wind. Consult special provisions for detailed Varietal Group information.
Coverage Level: Consult county actuarials for CAT and Additional Coverage price information.
Availability: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin
+Area Revenue Protection (ARP)
An area-based revenue insurance program that provides insurance protection against widespread loss of revenue in a county. ARP does not provide coverage for prevented planting or replanting.
Coverage Level: From 70%-90%, in 5% increments, of the county revenue. Coverage is expressed as a county revenue trigger (expected county yield multiplied by the expected price and coverage level).
Availability: Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin
+Area Yield Protection (AYP)
Provides protection against loss of yield due to a county level production loss. A loss payment triggers when the county average yield in a given year falls below the trend adjusted average yield by a greater percentage than the insured’s selected deductible. AYP does not provide coverage for prevented planting or replanting.
Coverage Level: CAT at 65% of the expected county yield and 45% of the projected price, and additional coverage of 70%-90% (in 5% increments).
Availability: Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin
+Cherry Coverage
Offers protection for price, yield and quality-based losses. The coverage is based on a percentage of the historical net cherry revenue from the insured orchard, if records exist for the previous four crop years. If there are less than four years of revenue history, the coverage is based on a combination of the orchard history and the variable county average revenue. Covered perils include adverse weather (rain, freeze, frost), failure of irrigation supply (due to insured peril), insects/disease (with proper control measures), fire (with proper undergrowth and debris control), earthquake/volcanic eruptions, wildlife and inadequate market price.
Coverage Level: From 50%-85%, in 5% increments, of the orchard’s historical average revenue. CAT coverage is not available for ARH cherries, but the insured may select a payment factor of less than 100% to reduce the premium and the corresponding claim payment in the event of a loss.
Availability: California, Idaho, Michigan, Montana, Oregon, Utah and Washington
+Citrus Coverage
Provides a specified dollar amount of protection chosen by the insured that applies to each crop of citrus fruit. The program allows the flexibility to insure by the following crops:
- Type I - Early and Mid-Season Oranges
- Type II - Late Oranges (juice)
- Type III - Grapefruit (freeze damage adjusted on a juice basis)
- Type IV - Navel Oranges, Tangelos and Tangerines
- Type V - Murcott Honey Oranges and Temple Oranges
- Type VI - Lemons and Limes
- Type VII - Late Oranges (fresh) and Grapefruit (freeze adjusted on a fresh fruit basis)
Covered perils include fire (unless weeds and other forms of undergrowth have not been controlled or pruning debris has not been removed from the grove), freeze (average percent of damage is determined for fruit that is damaged by freeze), hail, hurricane and tornado.
Coverage Level: 50%-85%, in 5% increments, of the reference maximum price shown in the county actuarial table. CAT coverage is also available at 55% of the 50% level of coverage amount.
Availability: Florida
+Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP)
Insures against unexpected declines in quarterly revenue from milk sales as a result of a decline in milk prices, a decline in milk production or a combination of both. The policy uses the futures prices for milk and other dairy commodities and milk production indexed to state or region as a basis for its guarantee. The program does not insure against loss or destruction of cattle or individual yield risk (similar to Area Risk Protection Insurance).
Availability: All 50 states
+Forage Production
Insurable under the APH plan. Forage coverage is available for the following types of production: Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alfalfa Grass, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Grass Alfalfa, Birdsfoot Trefoil Grass, Dryland Timothy and Orchardgrass. Losses are paid when the production to count is less than the guarantee. Production from all cuttings is used to calculate the production to count.
Coverage Level: from 50%-85% (check your county actuarial for availability of 80% and 85% levels), with up to 100% of the price election. CAT coverage is also available at the 50% level and 55% of the price election.
Availability: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming
+Fruit Tree Coverage
Provides a specified dollar amount of protection chosen by the insured that applies to each crop of insured trees. The program allows the flexibility to insure by the following crops:
- Avocado trees
- Carambola trees
- Grapefruit trees
- Lemon trees
- Lime trees
- Mango trees
- Orange trees (early/mid-season, late, Navel and Temple oranges)
- Other citrus trees (tangerines, tangelos and Murcotts)
- Any other trees as grouped and specified in the Special Provisions
Covered perils include freeze, wind and excess moisture.
Coverage Level: From 50%-75%, in 5% increments, of the reference maximum price shown in the county actuarial table. CAT coverage is also available at 55% of the 50% coverage amount.
Availability: Florida, Texas
+Grape Coverage
Provides a production guarantee based on the insured’s approved vineyard specific yield times the coverage level percentage selected by the insured. Covered perils include adverse weather (rain, freeze, frost), failure of irrigation (due to insured peril), disease/insect (with proper control measures, fire (with proper undergrowth and debris control), earthquake/volcanic eruptions and wildlife.
Coverage Level: From 50%-85% where available, in 5% increments, of the approved yield and up to 100% of the price election. CAT coverage is also available at 50% of the approved yield and 55% of the price election.
Availability: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia and Washington
+Hemp Coverage
Provides Actual Production History (APH) coverage for eligible producers in certain counties.
Coverage Level: From 50%-75% where available, in 5% increments.
Availability: Alabama, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
+Hurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Index Endorsement (HIP_WI)
Covers a portion of the deductible of the underlying crop insurance policy when the county, or a county adjacent to it, is within the area of sustained hurricane-force winds from a named hurricane that are published by the National Hurricane Center (NHC) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The coverage provided by HIP-WI can be combined with the SCO and STAX when acreage is also insured by a companion policy.
Availability: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia and Vermont.
+Livestock Gross Margin (LGM)
Provides protection for cattle, dairy cattle and hogs.
LGM for Cattle provides protection against loss of gross margin (market value of cattle minus feeder cattle and feed costs) on cattle. LGM covers a decline in cattle prices and/or an increase in feed costs and/or an increase in feeder cattle prices.
LGM for Dairy Cattle provides protection against the loss of gross margin (market value of milk minus feed costs) on the milk produced from dairy cows.
LGM for Hogs provides protection of the gross margin between the value of insured hogs and the cost of corn and soybean meal. LGM covers a decline in hog prices and/or an increase in feed costs.
Availability: 48 contiguous states
+Livestock Risk Protection (LRP)
Provides protection for swine, fed cattle and feeder cattle against declining livestock prices if the price, as specified in the policy, drops below the producer’s selected coverage price.
Availability: All states
+Margin Protection (MP)
Provides you coverage against an unexpected decrease in your operating margin (revenue less input costs). MP is area-based, using county-level estimates of average revenue and input costs to establish the amount of coverage and indemnity payments. To the extent that the average margin for a county is lower than expected, due to a decrease in revenue and/or an increase in input costs, MP will cover a portion of that shortfall. MP can be purchased by itself or in conjunction with a YP or RP policy.
Coverage Level: From 70%-95% of the expected margin with protection factors from 80% to 120%..
Corn Availability: All states except Alaska and Hawaii
Rice Availability: Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Texas
Soybeans Availability: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Texas, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin
Wheat Availability: Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota
+Nursery Protection
Provides coverage for plants that are container grown, field grown or both. The plants must be produced by a business enterprise that derives at least 40% of its gross income from the wholesale marketing of plants. Plants are insurable if they are listed on the “Eligible Plant Listing” and meet hardiness zone requirements. Covered perils include adverse weather, fire, wildlife, earthquake/volcanic eruption, frost/freeze (if required protection is used), disease/insect (for which there is no effective control), failure of power/irrigation supply (caused by a covered peril) and delay in marketability if such a delay results in the reduction in the value of the plants (due to a covered peril that occurs within the insurance period).
Coverage Level: Either at a CAT or buy-up level for each insured practice (container grown or field grown). CAT (50/55) provides coverage at 50% of the insurable plant inventory and 55% of either the lesser of the wholesale price or the price listed on the Plant Price Schedule. Buy-up levels vary from 50-75% (in 5% increments) of your insurable plant inventory at 100% of either the lesser of your wholesale price or the price listed on the Plant Price Schedule. Different coverage levels may be elected for each plant type.
Availability: All 50 states
+Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF)
Insures against widespread loss of production of the insured crop in a designated area called a grid. Coverage is based on the experience of a grid rather than individual farms. Coverage under the Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) program is available for two crop types: Grazing and Haying. Losses are paid when the grid’s accumulated index, known as the final grid index, falls below the insured’s trigger grid index. Lack of precipitation is the only cause of loss covered by Rainfall Index (RI).
Coverage Level: From 70%-90%, in 5% increments. CAT is not available.
Availability: 48 contiguous states
+Pecan Revenue Coverage
Insures against damage or loss of revenue due to:
- Adverse weather conditions (including hail, frost, freeze, drought and excess precipitation)
- Fire due to natural causes (unless weeds have not been controlled and/or pruning debris has not been removed)
- Earthquake
- Volcanic eruption
- Wildlife
- Decline in the market price
- Insects (excluding damage due to insufficient or improper application of pest control measures)
- Plant disease (excluding damage due to insufficient or improper application of disease control measures)
- Failure of the irrigation water supply, if caused by an insured peril that occurs during the insurance period
Coverage Level: from 50%-75%, in 5% increments, of the producer’s average yield. CAT coverage is available and is equal to the approved average revenue times 27.5%.
Availability: Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas
+Pistachio Coverage
Provides a production guarantee based on the insured’s approved pistachio orchard yield times the coverage level percentage selected by the insured. Covered perils include adverse weather (rain, freeze, frost), failure of irrigation (due to insured peril), disease/insect (with proper control measures, fire (with proper undergrowth and debris control), earthquake/volcanic eruptions and wildlife.
Coverage Level: From 50%-75%, in 5% increments, of the approved yield and up to 100% of the price election. CAT coverage is also available at 50% of the approved yield and 55% of the price election.
Availability: Arizona, California and New Mexico
+Revenue Protection (RP)
Comprehensive protection through a dollar guarantee. RP also provides prevented planting and replant protection. A projected price is used to calculate the premium, replant payments and prevent planting payments. RP covers weather-related causes of loss, certain other unavoidable perils and price fluctuations. The RP dollar guarantee for the insurance unit is the approved yield times the level of coverage, the insured acreage, the percent of share and the projected price. There is increased protection if the harvest price is higher than the projected price. Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion does not provide increased protection if the harvest price is higher than the projected price.
Coverage Level: From 50%-85%, in 5% increments (80% and 85% coverage levels are not available in all areas).
Availability: All 50 states
+Revenue Protection Harvest Price Exclusion (RPHPE)
Covers weather-related causes of loss, certain other unavoidable perils and price fluctuations. It offers comprehensive protection through dollar guarantee. RPHPE also provides prevented planting and replant protection. A projected price is used to calculate the premium, replant payments and prevent planting payments. RPHPE coverage excludes the use of the harvest price in the determination of the revenue protection guarantee, differentiating it from RP coverage. The RPHPE dollar guarantee for the insurance unit is the approved yield times the level of coverage, the insured acreage, the percent of share and the projected price. RPHPE does not provide increased protection if the harvest price is higher than the projected price.
Coverage Level: From 50%-85%, in 5% increments (80% and 85% coverage levels are not available in all areas).
Availability: All 50 states
+Stacked Income Protection Plan (STAX)
An area-based plan of insurance for upland cotton that provides protection against natural causes of loss that result in the area revenue falling below the county loss trigger. STAX may be purchased as a stand-alone policy or in conjunction with a Common Crop Insurance Policy (YP, RP, RPHPE and WFRP) or any Area Risk Protection Insurance policy (AYP, ARP and ARPHPE).
Coverage Level: From 0%- 20%, in 5% increments. Producers utilizing more than one farming practice may elect the 0% coverage range if they don’t wish to have STAX coverage for a particular practice. If the producer has a companion policy, the maximum coverage election will be limited the lessor of 20% or 90 % minus the coverage level election on the companion policy. If the producer does not have a companion policy, the coverage range is from 0% up to 20%.
Availability: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia
+Strawberry Coverage
Offers protection for price, yield or quality-based losses. Covered perils include adverse weather conditions (rain, freeze, frost), fire, insects and plant diseases (with proper control measures), wildlife, earthquake, volcanic eruption, failure of irrigation supply (due to insured peril) and inadequate market price on sold strawberries or on strawberries which are valued with the annual price procedure.
Coverage Level: From 50%-75%, in 5% increments, of the insured’s historical average revenue. CAT coverage is not available for ARH strawberries but the insured may select a payment factor of less than 100% to reduce the premium and the corresponding loss payment in the event of a loss.
Availability: California
+Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO)
Provides additional coverage for a portion of your underlying crop insurance policy deductible. SCO is an endorsement to either a YP, RP or RPHPE policy. For crops that do not have revenue protection plans, SCO is also available as an endorsement to the APH policy. SCO follows the coverage of the underlying policy. If the underlying policy is YP, then SCO covers yield loss. If the underlying policy is RP, then SCO covers revenue loss.
Coverage Level: Dependent on the liability, coverage level and approved yield for your underlying policy.
Availability: 48 contiguous states
+Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP)
Provides a risk management safety net for all commodities on the farm under one insurance policy. This insurance plan is tailored for any farm with up to $8.5 million in insured revenue, including farms with specialty or organic commodities (both crops and livestock), or those marketing to local, regional, specialty or direct markets. WFRP can be purchased in conjunction with STAX. WFRP provides protection against the loss of insured revenue due to an unavoidable natural cause of loss, that occurs during the insurance period and will also provide carryover loss coverage if you are insured the following year.
Coverage Level: From 50%-85%.
Availability: All 50 states
+Yield Protection (YP)
Protects against a production loss for crops for which revenue protection is available but was not selected. YP also provides prevented planting and replant protection. Coverage is expressed as a production guarantee (approved yield times the coverage level).
Coverage Level: CAT coverage is available at 50% of the approved yield and 55% of the projected price (50/55). The YP yield guarantee is the approved yield multiplied by the selected level of coverage and the insured acreage. Coverage levels are available from 50% to 75%, in 5% increments (80% and 85% coverage levels are available in limited areas) of the approved yield up to 100% of the projected price, which is determined by the Commodity Exchange Price Provisions.
Availability: All 50 states
Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) Policy Coverages
+Prevented Planting Coverage
Provides a payment to growers when they are unable to plant their crops due to an insurable cause. Perils covered are weather related and include drought. Prevented planting coverage for the same insured cause of loss event can continue up to two years. The guarantee is the protection per acre for timely planted acreage (historical yield [MPCI APH] multiplied by the level of coverage and the projected price multiplied by the applicable prevented planting coverage percentage. An additional prevented planting coverage level of plus 5% is available for a surcharge unless this option is not provided for in the county actuarial table (not available for CAT coverage level).
Availability: Available for all crops, unless otherwise specified in the specific crop provisions.
+Replant Coverage
Provides a payment to growers to replant an insured crop that has been damaged by an insurable cause of loss. If allowed by the Crop Provisions, a replanting payment may be made on an insured crop, replanted after Rain and Hail has given consent (and documented in the claim file), and the acreage replanted is at least the lesser of 20 acres or 20% of the insured planted acreage for the unit.
Availability: Available for all crops, unless otherwise specified in the specific crop provisions.
Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) Endorsements
+Coverage Enhancement Option
A continuous endorsement that provides for increased protection above that offered under the MPCI program. The CEO coverage elected must be at least five percentage points higher than the underlying MPCI coverage level with a maximum election of 85% (i.e., 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%). CEO provides increased coverage at the same premium rate as the underlying MPCI coverage. Losses under the CEO program are triggered at the same point as the underlying MPCI policy.
Availability: Texas
+Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO)
Provides additional area-based coverage for a portion of your underlying crop insurance policy deductible. With ECO, you can add an additional band of coverage from 86% all the way up to 95% of your approved yield. It works in conjunction with your underlying multi-peril policy so it must be purchased as an endorsement to the Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion, Actual Production History or Yield Based Dollar Amount of Insurance policy.
Availability: Starting with the 2021 crop year for 31 crops in most counties where the crop is grown. Check actuarials for details.
+Freeze Date Extension for Hybrid Seed Corn
The MPCI program provides a frost or freeze date after which frost or freeze is not an insurable cause of loss. The Freeze Date Extension for Hybrid Seed Corn endorsement allows the insured to extend that frost or freeze date by either 5, 10, or 15 day increments. If a frost or freeze occurs during this extended coverage period that causes the seed corn warm test germination rate to drop below 80%, it would be a covered loss under this endorsement.
Availability: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska
+Increased Germination for Hybrid Seed Corn
The MPCI policy guarantees that the seed corn will have a warm test germination rate of 80% or greater on a total composite sample. The Increased Germination for Hybrid Seed Corn endorsement provides improved coverage by guaranteeing that the seed corn will have a warm test germination rate of at least 90% and a cold test germination rate of at least 80% as applied separately to samples of rounds and flats. Seed corn having a germination rate above the MPCI standard but less than the endorsement standards will be covered under this endorsement. Seed corn having a germination rate less than the MPCI standard will be covered by the MPCI policy.
Availability: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska
+Quality Loss (QL) Option
Utilizes your actual yields without adjustments for quality deficiencies to calculate your Approved APH, rather than the post-quality yields that are currently used. By electing QL, your APH database will reflect what you actually produced, not a yield that was reduced due to a quality issue.
Availability: Check actuarials for details.
+Raisin Extra Expense
The Raisin Extra Expense endorsement will cover the producer for the additional expenses that are associated with slipping, additional turning, or additional rolling and unrolling to minimize damage from the rain.
Availability: California
+Raisin Reconditioning
The Raisin Reconditioning endorsement provides coverage in excess of that payable under the MPCI program. The additional Raisin Reconditioning coverage amount is determined annually. This coverage is subject to a minimum loss of 5% or 20%, whichever is elected, of the tonnage in the unit. This endorsement, when combined with MPCI, provides the grower with coverage for the actual costs of reconditioning the raisins up to the coverage amount per ton elected.
Availability: California
+Replant Extra
The Replant Extra endorsement provides additional coverage to the grower to cover the costs to replant above the amount that is provided on the underlying yield-based plan of insurance policy. The endorsement is available for corn, dry beans, soybeans and sugar beets.
Availability: Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Wyoming
+Revenue Plus (RVP)
RVP is a private endorsement product that provides additional revenue coverage for the same crop(s)/county(ies) insured under the Revenue Protection (RP) plan of insurance. If the unit structure for RVP is the same as for the underlying RP policy, a RVP loss will be triggered at the same time as the RP policy regardless of whether the loss is due to a yield loss and/or price loss. The endorsement is available for corn and soybeans.
Availability for Corn and Soybeans: Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wisconsin
Availability for Wheat: Idaho, Oregon and Washington
+Yield Plus (YDP)
YDP is a private endorsement product that provides coverage based on the insured’s approved yield established for the underlying MPCI policy. YDP provides coverage against yield losses which results in the production to count being less than the MPCI production guarantee. YDP coverage is available when the underlying MPCI plan of insurance is Yield Protection (YP), Revenue Protection (RP), or Revenue Protection with the harvest price exclusion (RP-HPE).
Availability for Corn and Soybeans: Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wisconsin
Availability for Wheat: Idaho, Oregon and Washington
The insurance products described here are subject to availability and qualification. This is not an exhaustive list of all products available. Product availability and coverage subject to change. Contact your Rain and Hail representative for more information.