Available Claims Tools

Claims Landing Page: located on our website (www.RainHail.com). It has been designed to provide policyholders with high-level, easy to understand claims information. Policyholders can find all of the following: company contact information, what to expect when filing a claim, examples of load records and scale tickets, and more.

eAdjuster: allows adjusters to accurately and efficiently work claims assigned to them. For agents reporting by CLUs, Map Based Acreage Reports (MBAR) are automatically placed into the adjuster’s claim paperwork or their Claim Packet. A Claims Progress Report is also available.

eQC Application: streamlines Quality Control (QC) reviews and speeds service to policyholders. Within the eQC application, adjusters can upload supporting documents, reassign reviews, and generate eQC Progress Reports. Adjusters and policyholders can also eSign (sign via a mobile device or tablet) the QCs worked within eQC before uploading.

Mobile Site: offers many resources to help service agents, adjusters, and policyholders instantly. Depending on their service site, the following can be accessed from a smartphone or tablet: claim progress, policyholder contact information, agent policy balance, eSign document viewer, Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) dates, MPCI industry data, loss estimation, cause of loss, trigger charts, MPCI historical prices, MPCI historical trend adjustment, and news and information.

eNotice of Loss: also available via the mobile site, this tool allows agents the ability to instantly file a claim as soon as they are notified by their insured.

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